by Benjamin Geyerhahn | Apr 22, 2021 | Benefits
Medicaid Expansion is a bogeyman among conservative lawmakers. Republicans have resisted the program to a large degree across the country even though doing so resulted in the shuttering of rural hospitals across their states, and downstream damage to public health....
by Benjamin Geyerhahn | Mar 1, 2021 | Healthcare
Long-term care facilities have become ground zero for Covid-19. Not only do they house a population of patients that is among the most vulnerable to Covid-19; but the professionals who care for this population are among the most financially vulnerable. It is common...
by David Moser | Jan 12, 2021 | Benefits
Essential workers are invisible. The cashier at the grocery store, the nurse who tends to a sick relative, the driver who shuttles people back and forth to the hospital. We see them every day, but we don’t know their names, nor do most of us care to know their lives....
by Benjamin Geyerhahn | Dec 15, 2020 | Business
One of the hardest parts of running a business is laying people off. This is especially hard when the reasons have nothing to do with the employee. The Covid pandemic, which has led to the shutdown of vast sections of the economy is the most recent example of this....
by David Moser | Dec 9, 2020 | Benefits
While the Attorney General of Texas seeks to repeal the Affordable Care Act at the federal level, state legislators see local value in adopting a piece of it, the expansion of Medicaid. A key feature of the ACA is the provision of federal funds to states to cover 90%...